San Diego State University

San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr
San Diego, California  92182

Type of college: 4-year public
Degree types offered: Bachelor's,Doctor's,Master's
Classification:   Doctoral/Research Universities--Intensive: These institutions typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the doctorate. They award at least ten doctoral degrees/1 per year across three or more disciplines,2 or at least 20 doctoral degrees per year overall.

2004-2007 Enrollment
Total enrollment 31,609
Undergraduate enrollment Not Available
Percent of undergraduate enrollment by gender
Men Not Available
Women Not Available
Percent of undergraduate enrollment by race/ethnicity
Non-resident alien 0%
Black non-Hispanic 4%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1%
Asian or Pacific Islander 13%
Hispanic 20%
White non-Hispanic 46%

Information provided by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Carnegie Foundation.

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