Pasadena City College

Pasadena City College
1570 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, California  91106

Type of college: 2-year public
Degree types offered: Associate's,Less than one year,One but less than two years,Two but less than 4 years
Classification:   Associate’s Colleges: These institutions offer associate’s degree and certificate programs but, with few exceptions, award no baccalaureate degrees.

2004-2007 Enrollment
Total enrollment 22,948
Undergraduate enrollment Not Available
Percent of undergraduate enrollment by gender
Men Not Available
Women Not Available
Percent of undergraduate enrollment by race/ethnicity
Non-resident alien 0%
Black non-Hispanic 6%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1%
Asian or Pacific Islander 32%
Hispanic 31%
White non-Hispanic 18%

Information provided by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Carnegie Foundation.

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